In today's thrilling adventure of Durst We Dare, Raven and Sheffie run across the Antarctic plains to find the source of the mysterious signals that have been emanating from the South Pole!
They bravely face the mutant penguins that now populate the continent! For some reason, Sheffie does so in a t-shirt and shorts. Must be a guy thing.
But the penguins are more powerful than they expect!
However, the penguins' advanced technology proves to be their own undoing... the flamethrower inadvertently melts the ice beneath the penguin's feet!
Having defeated the mutant penguins of Antarctica, Raven notices something odd in the distance!
Alas, Natalie Wayne (aka "Raven") and Sheffield Jones (aka "Sheffie") are about to face an adversary more dastardly than any they have faced yet!
"Every week-ish" is code for every month-ish