Wednesday, February 15, 2017

#4: Meet Weatherman and Weatherboi!

(Pretty sure they were incarcerated just for being supervillains. They didn't actually do anything.)

Will Weatherman and Weatherboi successfully integrate into society? Are they actually capable of doing anything truly evil? And most importantly, why didn't Weatherman change out of his prison jumpsuit?

Or, more most importantly, what if DelMa Prison's outfit for prisoners was actually polo shirts and khakis, and Weatherboi is the one still in jail uniform?

And, even more most most importantly, is Ben going to ever get sued because Weatherman is apparently already a superhero?

Find out in the next stupendous installment of Durst We Dare!


  1. I think weatherman is my favorite so far, he seems to have the most character out of the group and seems quite clever
