Saturday, February 25, 2017

#10: Raven Returns

Story continued from here and here...

Will IV succeed in keeping Nicoletta and Dr. Professor Bills from populating Antarctica with penguins? Will Weatherman and Weatherboi ever do anything productive? Most importantly, why didn't any of you tell me I misspelled Antarctica in #7?

Tune in next time for the next thrilling update of Durst We Dare?!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

#9: Memes

With my shading of Weatherboi in the first panel, I'm starting to feel like a real cartoonist. I may have to go back to black-and-white scans though, as drawing and colorizing everything in the computer (like I did today and yesterday) can be time-consuming. Also, I do fully expect this meme to go viral now.

Coming soon: the return of Raven!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

#7: The Man with the Square Face--REVEALED!!

Continued from the last comic...

Who is this mysterious lady on the video screen? Is it possible that The Man with the Square Face isn't the ultimate evil mastermind after all? Where is Natalie in this time of dire need?

And most importantly, how is it possible for John to be so super-humanly oblivious to everything? Is that his real superpower? Wait--if you take the middle three letters of the word "oblivious", you get..."i" and "v"! Is this a coincidence? Stay tuned for future thrilling installments of Durst We Dare?!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

#5: Merch!

Today's comic would have been longer, but the original draft did not meet the approval of the official Durst We Dare Ethics Advisory Board.

However, you can now buy Durst We Dare merchandise! You probably shouldn't, but you can!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

#4: Meet Weatherman and Weatherboi!

(Pretty sure they were incarcerated just for being supervillains. They didn't actually do anything.)

Will Weatherman and Weatherboi successfully integrate into society? Are they actually capable of doing anything truly evil? And most importantly, why didn't Weatherman change out of his prison jumpsuit?

Or, more most importantly, what if DelMa Prison's outfit for prisoners was actually polo shirts and khakis, and Weatherboi is the one still in jail uniform?

And, even more most most importantly, is Ben going to ever get sued because Weatherman is apparently already a superhero?

Find out in the next stupendous installment of Durst We Dare!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


I don't really know what IV meant by that, but then again, I don't know that he does either. It sounded profound at the time.

Will John and Natalie ever be friends again? Will they ever figure out who The Man with the Square Face really is? And most importantly, will Norm ever shave?

Find out in the next thrilling installment of Durst We Dare!

Monday, February 13, 2017


Will IV manage to save Natalie? Will Raven and The Man with the Square Face succeed in their nefarious plot? Most importantly, does IV even have any superpowers? Or, like, actual skills?

Find out in the next thrilling installment of Durst We Dare!

Sunday, February 12, 2017